Need help I'm trying breast feed my daughter and she was doing good at frist then stopped my milk was not in yet so. had to formal feed well I got my milk and now she will nt take the boob but if I pump and feed her the bottle she will feed that why. What do I do?? How long do I have with out putting her on the boob before a dry up??
Also sometimes it takes a really long time to latch. practice every day. It is hard when you feel like you are being told "no" or "I don't want it" by someone, but your baby just doesn't get it and isn't saying no,, they just don't understand. Keep being persistent and trying!!!
The problem is she's used to the bottle, you have to basically start all over. But because she doesn't remember you have to try to nurse before she gets really hungry otherwise she will just get too frustrated. Just keep at it and she will get used to eating from the breast
I pumped frist to get some relief and then tryed the boob frist before the bottle but I could not get her to latch at all did both for about 10 minutes trying to get her to latch but still nothing.