Jessica Stanford
Jessica Stanford
need help: I'm trying to breast feed my daughter and she will not latch on anymore. could be because I feed her formal form a bottle a couple of time. Because milk was not coming in, Now it is and she will not latch but I'm pumping how long would my milk last?? without drying up or how could I stop my milk for coming in?? I would like to keep pumping and feeding her that. But nm only getting 2 maybe 3 Oz at a time.

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try nipple sheilds too. those seem to help babies latch on better
20.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
that is good advice but if you still can't get her to latch you can keep pumping and giving it to her in bottles. the more milk you express the more that will come in. it's supply and damand and it takes a little while for it to regulate.
20.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
^^^@queeneden 💯 that's the best advice.
20.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
You need to keep trying and don't give bottles if you want her to nurse. She may be frustrated with the letdown not being as fast as the bottle. If you're stressed while trying to latch her, she will feel your energy as well. There is no need to pump and it can create an oversupply. Just keep offering your breast and do lots of skin to skin.
20.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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