Has anyone else who has had a c-section had problems with the spinal tap afterwards??? We came home from the hospital Sunday and Inwas back in the hospital yesterday due to what they call a Spinal Headache. They had to go In and do a Spinal blood patch where they took 20 cc's of my blood and put it in my spine to patch the hole and it was suppose to stop my headache but it didn't. I woke up in severe pain this morning still from this and they can't so another spinal patch bc it can cause the blood to compress my nerves and paralyze me so the doctor told me to drink lots of caffeine and take caffeine pills. Any suggestions on how to fix this??? I cant hold my son like I want to bc I cant sit up due to my head feeling like it is going to explode when I do. This is so aggravating and makes me cry bc all I want to do is hold my baby boy and I can't right now!!!!