I need advice on how to keep up my supply! It has dropped dramatically in the past month, I used to be able to pump enough for my daughter to make up for the previous day while I'm at work. Now I pump 2 20 minute sessions and I get 2.5 ounces a day😔 I've been taking fenugreek supplements and taking my prenatals. She eats from the breast just fine and seems satisfied, I just can't pump very much so she has mostly formula throughout the day. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have a medela in style I think, I feed her right before work, then twice in 6 hours so every 2 hours, then feed right when I get off. I try to drink a bottle every pumping session :/ @kmally
What pump do you have? How often do you pump? Are you keeping up on water and healthy foods? Kellymom.com has a bunch of great suggestions for upping supply and pumping advice too :)