I'm having a hard time with BF'ing, she struggles to latch on I've tried asking for help from the LC at the hospital I gave birth at & even she was having a hard time getting lil one to latch. anyone have any tips on what I can do? oh & when will I start to produce milk I jsit want to get this down already!

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My lil guy latches on pretty good but still practicing... by time I try to get him to latch his hungry and fussy.. so I pump and serve it in a bottle! good luck!
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
nippled shield helped me as well i think you should use that for a while and in between try tricking him with your nipples
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
nipple shield helped me a lot
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
when I had my son the hospital have me these little breast shields that go over your nipple and pull it into support the baby's latch medella makes them it was the only way to feed him for a few weeks
16.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Aww thanks 😊 I hope it works out for you mama!!!!
15.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
You're so helpful omg thank you so much I'll be sure to keep you in mind for whatever questions I have! @hellosweetie
15.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
Do you have flat nipples? That could be it. The vest thing to try is pumping for a minute and then try latching. If you get your nipples stimulated, it'll probably be better. You don't have to do formula if you don't want to.
15.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
The milk will generally "come in" somewhere between 3 to 5 days or so, for now your colostrum is plenty though! Expect a bit of weight loss in baby at first, my girl lossed 9% of her birth weight in the first two days, day 3 my milk started coming in, and she started gaining weight pretty well from then on. My girl has latching issues for the firsr few weeks, turns out she had a tongue tie and lip tie! I would ask your pediatrician to help you get that checked if they haven't already, sometimes they can get corrected and in my case they said it would naturally stretch and to just give it time. Which we did, and she learned to latch on the breast well without ever needing a bottle, we're 5 (almost six) months strong now! Other than the ties, I suggest the swiping the nipple down from the nose, over the lips to get him to open his mouth, keep practicing to get him to figure out, I need to OPEN. Once latched on, check the latch. He should have a fair amount of areola in his mouth, and both bottom and top lips should be flared out, not sucked in. If he unlatches and his lips look pale in color like he's been sucking on them really hard, it means his lips need to be flared out more, also your nipple may look pinched right after unlatching, or like "lipstick" shaped lol...this is a sign of bad latch, and you both need to keep practicing. Rather than unlatching and relatching several times until it seems right, which was very frustrating for me because it hurt a lot and baby girl cried and was upset cuz she wanted to suckle, I would let her latch, then inspect while she's on there, and I would gently kinda push the areola down a bit into her mouth, get my finger right up to her lips, then kinda roll my finger to pull her lip out so it was flared out. I did this to the top and bottom lips to make sure they were both correct. It helped a lot with the pain, and by 6 weeks her tongue tie stretched enough that it was correctly placed over her gums while suckling which reduced the pain CONSIDERABLY. Perseverance is the key with this, there's gonna be days where your ties curl in pain and you just wanna give up cuz your nipples hurt SO BAD (btw rubbing expressed breastmilk all over the nipple after every feed helps them heal a lot faster, as does coconut oil and lanolin), but if you really wanna do this, don't give up! I promise it gets a lot easier! Just prepare for all the growth spurts, they cluster feed like CRAZY every couple weeks....just go with it, if they wanna eat for what seems like ALL DAY then go with the flow, they are regulating your supply to what they need at the moment! Don't doubt your supply, it's completely normal! After the milk is in, start counting how many times he pees in a 24 hour period, if ya get at least 5 or 6 per day he should be getting plenty of milk! That, of course, paired with normal weight gain at each of his appointments 😊 good luck mama, you can do this!!! Message me any time if you have questions, I've been through this and the hardest part is the beginning, training yourself and your baby to get a good latch....but it can be achieved through patience!
15.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
my son had the same problem I ended up having to supplement with formula.
15.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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