looking for advice. first day home with newborn. he's gotten losser stools. I have to give him 5cc of formula before I breast feed due to he's lost a lb before we came home. I am breast feeding but my milk isn't in yet. trying to see if his stools are okay or if it's something I need to worry about. he only sleeps when held on his belly. he won't sleep in bassinet and I have not been to sleep yet. in 30 mins I'll be up for 24 hours with him. any advice is welcomed
losing weight is normal: did she have already a low birth weight? because I didn't want to start giving formula because it can be difficult to get back on breastfeeding
that looks like regular newborn poop to me. It's normal for babies to loose a lil weight when they leave the hospital. Not sure how much yours lost though. even if your milk isn't in, continue to breastfeed as baby is getting colostrum which is very good for baby! you will have some sleepless nights for a little while unfortunately. maybe try swaddling baby to help him sleep.
No his stools is fine!(: my daughter lost weight too so I would get her about 1.5oz of formula before latching her on and she pooped a dark dark green so he's doing good! As long as he had about 6-8 dirty diapers in 24hrs than your fine(: