anyone have red bleeding around 7 wks pregnant and not miscarry? the on call doctor said since I'm not cramping to just take it easy an they'll try to get me in for a ultrasound on Tuesday instead of Friday.
try and relax and stay positive. I didn't bleed at all with daughter so I totally freaked out but they said it's more common with twins also. fingers crossed and positive vibes your way @momof2under2
I had red bleeding at 7 weeks. went to the hospital to find out I was having twins. bleeding (not filling a pad in an hour) is common in early pregnancy. I would call the doc's in the am and let th know so they have it on record.
A leave you here a link so you can know more about it ссылка but i recomend to try to do some bedrest and do not lift anything heavy at least untill you know what it is