United States, Rhode Island, Wakefield
have a 5 month old son who's my whole world and expecting his baby brother or sister Oct 7th,2016 ❤


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I'm 7 wks 4 days and got very little nauseous. with my son I was very sick by this time. I worry all the time that something could be wrong :'( ultrasound last week showed healthy growing baby tho.
yari93 Every pregnancy is different. I have 1 boy 2 girls and another girl on the way and
momof2under2 ok :) like I said I wasn't expecting to have a sort of easy first trimester. lol.
yari93 Lol @momof2under2 yea I didn't expect it either because for my second child she's a girl and
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anyone have red bleeding around 7 wks pregnant and not miscarry? the on call doctor said since I'm not cramping to just take it easy an they'll try to get me in for a ultrasound on Tuesday instead of Friday.
momof2under2 thank you !! hopefully on Tuesday I'll see a healthy baby ! @scorpiomom84
bh90 I woke up to my pants completely drenched in blood at 9 weeks. Everything was fine when
momof2under2 ok. Tuesday can't come soon enough.. @bh90
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anybody else have a small baby bump at only 6 weeks pregnant? this is my second baby. picture taken on Saturday at 6 wks 1 day ( LMP )
lovebeingmom @34466 that is so weird!!! Lol i am in my third pregnancy and i am also having
34466 @lovebeingmom, Its def a whole different feeling. I'm 20 weeks now and feel like I'm full term
lovebeingmom @34466, yes it is definitely different. Everybody thinks im like 20 something weeks and im barely going
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any mom's due around September 30th 2016 ? I'm sort of nervous because I just had my son August 25th 2015. any mom's have kids that close?
momof031989 i have 2 girls a yr and 8 months apart. my oldest wasnt potty trained or walking
crazymommy04 I had my baby boy in March 2015, got pregnant when he was 6m. Due July 3,
bugmama I am Due with my second September 12th. Mine two will be 4 years 10 months apart.
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