There are so many misconceptions about how to get pregnant. Anyone have any crazy things that they believe helped them? I have heard cough syrup and also heard laying still for 20 minutes. So many different things. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
agree with @theinkedbarbie I have to lee immediately after sex or I get a UTI. (I'm prone to them) don't wait, if you don't want to pee or move afterwards, pee before. UTIs suck ass.
All laying still does is possibly give you a UTI. The Sperm gets to your cervix within seconds of him ejaculating, so there's no need to lay in the bed, or with your legs up, or on your head. 😂 @katie624
I would say don't really try. I had just stopped taking BC so my body could adjust so we could start trying. I didn't even have one period after stopping it.
the bc pill for 3 months method workd for me to regulate my periods and body got pregnant the month of my last pack ended. and i just prayed and left it up to god