when I'm at work (cashier at Walmart) people ask me why I wear a ring that turns my finger green. Well its because it was a Christmas gift from my fiancée and I don't care that it's cheap or turns my finger green. I love it because it's something he picked out for me. Sometimes I feel like the only one that truly appreciates the small things -_-
My (now) husband gave me a promise ring in high school that turned my finger green. I loved that ring as much as I love my engagement and wedding rings!! All that matters is that you love the ring ☺ sometimes the smallest gifts mean the most 😌
Clear nail polish on the band will keep it from turning your finger green. Won't ruin it or anything just will save you the hassle of explaining to assholes. :)
I understand that. my husbands cuzins wife told me my wing was to small and it's because jesse did not live me enough to buy me a bigger one. I told her no its because I don't need nothing fancy.. I'm happy with what he got me I don't need a rock on my finger to know how much he loves me..