when my lo was born after a very hectic labor and delivery he is blood sugar was really low and they tried to give him a bottle and I refused. I nursed him and 20minutes later they rechecked and his sugar was fine! you do not have to give your baby a bottle because their sugar is low. nurse your baby people.
The same thing happened to me with the low blood sugar.. My guy was born 9lb 9oz and they kept checking and it would get better but didn't get to the level it needed to after 1 day so I had to give him formula but after that it never happened again. They say with big babies it's really hard to regular blood sugar because they need so much more at first but he only needed not even an ounce and never again after
there is honestly only very few people who cannot nurse. only 1% of people who claim they have production or supply problems is actually true. and problems with latching can be fixed.