Please don't mind me...I'm just venting...It really amazes me how a man can disrespect the woman who is carrying his child. The one who takes care of his child which is not her own but treats him as such.It amazes me how you can claim you love someone and then the next she's a dumb ass or a bitch. I just can't get over it. The fact that I not we buy your child's clothes but you not once offered to purchase my kid some clothes. I feed and bathe your child, but not once do I look for a handout. But I'm the one to be constantly disrespected. I'm so upset to the point I'm on tears...I've been under so much stress here lately that I almost lost this child to foolishness that isn't needed. But you treated you first child's mother like she was a rare piece of gold, but I get treated like yesterday's news. I'm so ready to move on. I raised my 5 yr old alone and I think I can manage this one as well. I can't take the hurt or disrespect anymore. I'm done Venting...Thanks for listening.

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13.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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