I have some huge concerns. I didn't know I was pregnant for the first 3 1/2 weeks (which most women don't) but I drank very heavily within those 3 1/2 weeks. Do you think my baby will be fine or did I hurt the development? I'm worried.
It really depends. Every woman is different and there's ALWAYS a chance that the baby could have been harmed. They usually do a long ultrasound around 18-19 weeks where they look over everything and make sure the baby is okay. You might be able to get an earlier ultrasound at 12 weeks but talk to your doctor and be honest so she knows what to look for.
You'll be fine I was lifting really heavy weights at cross fit and and hitting the gym really hard the first month and I even felt a few days before I got my positive and my son is healthy so far
@tsteffens10, thanks! But yes baby should be fine with just a few drinks! If you are still worried about it then you should discuss it with your.doctor, see what they have to say
No spotting and no symptoms. I always had irregular periods so I thought nothing of not having one. It wasn't until I got sick and ended up in the ER (couldn't eat or drink anything and could not hold down water) that I found out I was pregnant
I was five weeks when I found out. Did the same thing. And my little.girl is fine. but as soon as I found out I got super healthy ate properly and.took.vitamins
I think you will be okay! I didnt find out I was pregnant until 18 weeks (yes, I had 'menstrual cycles' and everything, I eventually when to the doctors because I thought I was having reoccuring stomach issues! Turns out it what I thought was gas was actually kicks) but I drank heavily and then lost taste for it a couple of months before i found out. I was blessed with a perfectly healthy baby
@tsteffens10, I drank heavily the day before I found out I was pregnant with my now 3 year old son and he's so smart and happy and healthy. I was also 7 weeks along when I drank.
you're fine. the baby is fine. my friend didn't know she was pregnant until 10 weeks and she was a drinker and smoked pot. her doctor assured her that all is okay.