Has anyone ever gotten a false positive with this test? I took it last night and it was negative then I looked at it again this morning and it was positive. So I took another one today and it was negative
I also read the red dye is more accurate than the blue dye. Maybe try to get the first response ones. If you go to a doc (they will so the same as the dollar store) I work at 2 doctors offices.
from my own experiences blue dye tests suck, the evap lines get people worked up for no reason. On the dollar test I'd definitely say pregnant. I was testing entirely too early on them and got the faintest line at 8dpo I could only see it in the time frame and it disappeared after the time window. I tested again the next day still positive. Go get a first response early result test they are more sensitive than the dollar tests. I got one and tested with second morning urine and it was clear as day.
If you took that one last night, and it wasn't there last night, but it was this morning, it's an evaporation line. You're not supposed to look at it after 10min results are invalid.
the one you took first worth the pink dye usually works better because you're not as likely to get evap lines. I'd give it another day or two and then maybe spring for a digital test if you're still questioning. there's no chance of reading those wrong. @meggers123