A long overdue update:
I was scheduled to have a saline ultrasound on Tuesday but had to have it on Wednesday. With a saline ultrasound you have to have a full bladder and they insert saline into your uterus to determine if there are any polyps. It was slightly uncomfortable because I really had to urinate! It turns out she saw two polyps and she scheduled a hysteroscopy, which is a diagnostic procedure to view, diagnose, and excise any abnormalities. Whoa... kinda unexpected.
On Thursday I had my scheduled HSG, an xray with contrast to see if the fallopian tubes are patent... open. That was very uncomfortable!! Anyway, the radiologist had me turn to each side twice, I guess to get the dye spread out.
Today I got the results from that test which, interestingly, the doctor didn't have anything significant to say about my tubes. Instead, it appears my uterus has a septum. So now I have to have a pelvic MRI to further diagnose/confirm the abnormality.
I have so many different emotions now about this process. Honestly, I thought I was already going to be on Clomid by now. I'm sad, confused, worried, determined, angry, anxious, frustrated, but still excited and hopeful. Lots of tears this past week. We'll see what the MRI reveals. Surgery is three Mondays away.
Thanks for reading. I could definitely use some comforting/encouraging words.