Teresa Garay
Teresa Garay
I am so sad... My husband is being held overnight in jail for something that happened over two years ago. It could just be the hormones, but I can't stop crying. I have not spent the night away from him since the day we met and I can't sleep now. All I can do is think about how much I need him and miss him. It doesn't help that I was mad all day and didn't get to spend much time with him today 😭😭😭

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I see you're here in CA, of course, they are just grubbers here 😕
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know how you feel, the law is just ridiculous. My husband left his license at home 2 yrs ago when he ran to the bike shop to get our wheels, and was pulled over because the tags were going to expire in a few days, and they made it so he couldn't pass a background check without going through a process first...and we are preschool teachers, that is everything. Anyway we were shocked that the police even bothered and it put a ton of stress on the family, I can't imagine how you feel, good luck!
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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