I wish my newborn would sleep without me having to hold her. don't get me wrong I'd hold her 24/7. but I'm scared if SIDS 😬😢

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see my boyfriend doesn't live with me but when he comes to stay the night I will not let our daughter by him while he sleeps. cuz he is a rough sleeper! I told my mom I can't wait til she's able to roll over and pull the blanket off herself then I can stop worrying. @mommybre14
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have a pretty funny ftm story about this. When we brought my son home my husband and I would take shifts staying up to hold him. one of us would hold him and the other would sleep, seems funny but we did that for his first couple weeks home. Then after I kicked my husband out of the bed and co slept with him wrapped up in my arms. I came to find out that as a new mother your senses are heightened by a lot and if your baby moves even a little it will wake you up. I don't allow my husband to sleep with him though. Besides co sleeping I'd wear him a lot. I don't think I put him down till 7m when he could roll over.
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@cynthiasmommy_96, i felt the same with my son. The feeling didnt go away for me until he was in a toddle bed. And i thought when my daughter was born id be ok cuz i went thru it before but no. Shes 8 months old and i still find myself waking up to check on her. But it does get easier. I promise! Just try not to stress yourself out about it too much. I know it consumed me.
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I thought for me the feeling of SIDS would go away once my baby was a bit older but no, she's almost 6 months and I'm still scared😢
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
anytime hun. if you need to talk, or want the research materials I've found feel free to message me
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you @williams15
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
honey there are studies that show sids is less likely for babies who Co sleep vs babies in bassinets, cribs, swings and etc. I Co sleep with my son and husband. it's also easier for us. just do some research hun, do what's best for you and baby!
04.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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