Valerie Ramos
Valerie Ramos
Goodmorning Mommies! I have a question, or you might see it more of a concern! FTM here so you know how the worries go.. Lol
My LO has been on a great schedule since 2 weeks old, she is now 2 months! Her schedule basically looks like this... I wake her up at 5-530AM feed & back to bed till 930-10AM, feed & plays & is awake till around 1PM Takes a Nap till about 430-5pm. Wakes up feeds plays & takes a small nap around 7-830pm wakes up feeds & is awake till bath time at 9:30PM asleep by 10PM & sleeps all night until 5AM, I'm usually the one to wake her up, because i feel like from 10-5 is too long of a stretch with no food, & if I let her sleep she'll sleep till about 9am & wake up sooo fussy! (Iknow I only mentioned certain feeds but she feeds at least every 2 hours when awake.) my question/ concern is she only takes 1 long nap throughout the day, the rest of the time she's awake & takes a small nap right before bathtime. She's not fussy when she's awake, but I just want to make sure she's getting enough sleep!

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if she was, she'd be fussy and cranky. if she seems happy then you should feel secure that she's getting everything she needs. every baby is different
02.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
@qmama, yes I know & I love it! We play the whole time she's awake! Lol I love that she's so alert. I've just had mommy friends talk about multiple naps their LO take during the day, even 20 min naps here & there, but my LO only naps 2 times, & the second one I don't consider a nap since she's moving around the whole time. Its very comforting that she sleeps all through the night makes this momma very happy! ☺️ I just hope she's not missing out on daily naps! Lol
02.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
it's normal for her to be awake more now :)
02.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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