I had a yeast infection for three months , I kept complaining of burning and discomfort . my OB kept saying it was normal , I had to change doctors before anything was done.
Let Them Know That It Keeps Coming Back. They May Put You On Different Antibiotics. Because After You Take A Certain Antibiotic For So Long, Your Body Can Become ImmuneTo It And It Won't Work For You Anymore. @natnatbabygirl
@mommy0527, I had a UTI for 2 month after my son was born it wouldn't go away. after that it kept coming back. but I had no symptoms the entire time. they gave me antibiotics but it just came back I'm worried the antibiotic isn't helping at all. could the antibiotics so working after awhile
Tell Them To Check For A Yeast Infection Too. When I Was Pregnant With My Daughter, I Got A UTI Quite Often. And A Few Of The Ones I Got, I Didn't Have Any Symptoms. You Could Have Both. And You May Have A Yeast Infection And It Just Not Show Up On Your Test Yet. Tell Them Your Symptoms. They'll Know What To Do. @natnatbabygirl
@aeb3, I don't have any symptoms of a UTI but I do have the symptoms of a yeast infection but when I got to my doc she tests my urine and says I have a UTI.
in my opinion, no.
when you have a uti, you feel like you have to pee even when you can't, because you already have & it burns.
yeast infections itch & eventually cause a lot of white cruddy stuff down there.