Princess Leila Marie 🎀👑
- 2 Months Today
- 11 lb 2 oz
- Sleeps all through the night! Bed time routine starts at 9:30PM right after bath time ☺️
- She's a talkative little one! She loves baby talk & meeting new people ☺️
- Spends most of her day in her play gym & listening to Baby Pandora Station
- Likes bedtime stories with daddy & body massages from mommy ☺️
- Dislikes being laid flat on her back!!!
"I didn't give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you" ❤️
Daddy & Mommy love you so much! You're our biggest blessing 🙏🏽 You're such a calm & happy baby 😇 Your smiles & giggles brighten our day 😍
Keep growing & continue being healthy ❤️
my son hates sleeping on his back as well...awww your baby girl so adorable omg...y'all mothers making me with a baby girl even more and I'm trying to wait because I just had a baby 3 months ago :-(