Will some one please talk to me . Im having a "cry - attack"! Is there any mom out there whos baby is fine all day . Then when its becomes night time its a nightmare! Am i the only one?
@brooklynmommy1008, yes my daughter screams so hard you'd think she's being hurt! Once she's asleep though she sleeps all night! I'm talking 8 hours straight! She'll wake up, nurse and then sleep a few more!
Just looked it up . & yes that does describe the feel . But i wondered now if this is how its been for a while . I would just call it "fighting her sleep" but its so much worst now! She does it til she gets tired! Her screams hurt my ears!
@brooklynmommy1008, look up purple crying, its actually common. Emma is the same, she's fine all day and as soon as that son goes down it can be exhausting!
Yes thats what she does . Screams . Doesnt want a paci . Shes not hungry . Shes dry . Its not every night but its getting there! It makes me cry because i dont know what to do . I feel like a bad mom.
my son was like that. he's 3 and found out he has restless leg syndrome. he screamed every night all night from birth until 2 and a half years old until I figured out what was wrong because I had no clue. everyone would tell me how I had such a content baby and they never heard him cry..well at night time it was complete opposite. it was soo hard and so exhausting. I wish you luck!!