Briana Diaz
When someone who's never even given birth yet puts down people for getting the epidural I find it hilarious. Until you actually give birth (unless you're doing a home birth where epidurals aren't an option) then you have no idea what you will actually do when you get to the hospital. Everything changes when you start feeling those pains for some people it's nothing for others it's hell and you'd be suprised how desperate you'll get just to get some relief from it. For me it was so bad I never want to have another child. You can read all the books and articles you want until you actually experience it yourself your opinion doesn't mean shit TBH
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@elenasmommy, I tried just medication first but all that did was knock me out but I could still feel the contractions which would wake me up. I had to get induced because when my water broke at 5:03am I was not dilating. By 2pm I was 2cm and got my epidural. I didn't deliver my daughter until 10:56pm that night. I know I would have never lasted that long with contractions lol. But just like you I felt myself push and the pressure of each contractions. I was also able to still move my legs. My epidural had worn off towards the end to because I felt my doctor stitching me. She had to numb down there so I couldn't fer stitching me anymore.

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@elenasmommy, I tried just medication first but all that did was knock me out but I could still feel the contractions which would wake me up. I had to get induced because when my water broke at 5:03am I was not dilating. By 2pm I was 2cm and got my epidural. I didn't deliver my daughter until 10:56pm that night. I know I would have never lasted that long with contractions lol. But just like you I felt myself push and the pressure of each contractions. I was also able to still move my legs. My epidural had worn off towards the end to because I felt my doctor stitching me. She had to numb down there so I couldn't fer stitching me anymore.

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exactly. the only thing is right before I began pushing it started to wear off on the left side so I was still feeling some pain but it wasn't as bad as if I didn't get it at all.

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@avasq12, that's exactly what I mean. You can plan all you want but you don't know till you're in the situation experiencing it

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@mika107, I did the same. What's funny is I thought I would be able to handle contractions and I was most stressed about feeling the pain pushing so I planned to get the epidural last minute. It turned out to be completely backwards. The contractions where unbearable so I got it as soon as I got to the doc I was in labor for 12 hours and by the time I started pushing it wore off and I felt the pushing. I was actually happy I felt that part because I was able to do it in 15 minutes and I felt so empowered. But I thank god for the epidural and I'm not ashamed either. Good for you!

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my whole pregnancy I was planning on giving labor with no epidural but I was in labor for 16 hours and my contractions were the worst pain I've ever felt so I ended up getting it 3 hours before I gave birth. I don't know what I would've done without that epidural.

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I always knew I was going to get an epidural. I don't like menstrual cramps, so I knew I wouldn't be able to handle contractions. I told my OB in advance I planned to get an epidural and she told me don't let other mothers make you feel bad for your decision. Everybody handles pain differently and nobody can ever make me feel bad for my decision. I would do it again if I have another baby.

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@kaitlyn.edwards, are you also not able to get IV pain meds or anything like that? There's gotta be something they can do to help you somewhat. Some hospitals even offer laughing gas now but I'd be nervous about doing that.

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I had front and back labor with my daughter, I'm terrified of this one.

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@kaitlyn.edwards, I literally would of jumped out the window if I couldn't get it lmao. For me it felt like somebody set my insides on fire. I am so sorry lol

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It sucks when your allergic to the epidural 😭

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