Raven Hitz
Raven Hitz
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On January 24th, I turned 3 months, the milestones I have reached consists of :
1.) Cooing & Giggling
2.) Sitting up in my seat while having conversations with mommy and daddy.
3.) Loving to brush my gums
4.) Rolling over
5.) Trying to sit up on my own / to lift my head up from swings, bouncies, and the bed.
6.) Sleeping throughout the night
7.) Starring down my parents throats while they eat, secretly hoping they'll give me some 😂
8.) I hold my own bottle
You make your daddy & I proud parents babygirl. You're amazing in every single way, and we appreciate every little thing about you ( even your poopie diapers ). We love you forever. Thamk you for filing an unknown void in my life princess

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