Raven Hitz
Raven Hitz
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When I found out I was pregnant with you I was scared. Although your daddy was there every step of the way I was still afraid, not afraid to have you, but afraid of the change to come. I was so accustomed to living life the way I was, I didn't know anything else. Not to mention I could barely take care of myself, living care free, and loved doing what I when I, how was I going to take care of another human being ? By the grace of God it came naturally. I quit everything cold turkey, you brought out strength in me to overcome the struggles and temptations that I couldn't do on my own. God placed you in my life to make me a better woman and you're doing just that ! You are the sweetest blessing one could ask for. Thank you for loving me, needing me, getting on my nerves, and being who you are. Everyday I will strive to keep your happiness alive. I promise to love you unconditionally day in day out, to be the mother I've always wanted and needed, and to do my best as a mother and as a role model in your life ! I Love You Azariah Dean from the bottom of my heart. You make daddy & I so proud piglett !


Лучший комментарий


omgggggggggggg so beautiful ❤ I'm glad you're family is doing good!
29.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
27.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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