@ls.ma, if you haven't figured out how to change that you've had your baby I just figured it out! go to profile, and click on where it says weeks and days and it will let you change your status! :)
@ls.ma, oh I'm same with public breastfeeding, if I have to I'll cover myself good ;) but with my 1st baby I never did it, I always managed to feed him before or after. I think I have to feed him in my car twice (of course covered 😂) but my son was really good eater (quick and always on schedule)
that's probably what ill do, ill definitely have to do premade bottles for everywhere though cause breastfeeding in public is wayyy to weird for me @domena84
@ls.ma, I was doing both with my first (breastfeeding and bottle feeding with my milk) and he really fast used to it, bottle is very useful when you are tired, your hubby can go feed :)