has anyone else had a problem with gaining weight while breastfeeding. I've had the problem with both my boys now. i feel like the losing weight while breastfeeding is a myth. lol

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Same here I feel like I eat more now than when I was pregnant lol so how am I supposed to lose weight like that 😞😞😞 but it dont matter I love breastfeeding my daughter shes my everything Ill have the rest of my life to lose those lbs later lol
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm 5 months pp and I've had such a hard time losing weight, I bf exclusively and I am hungry all the time I can't help it. I don't have time to plan meals out and don't want to go on a strict diet from fear that my milk will dry out. It's so frustrating... I was 128 prepregnancy, 166 at the end of my pregnancy and 153 now.
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was reading that breastfeeding makes us ravenous because we're burning so many calories that we over eat and don't have time to do any exercise. I noticed recently I have zero control over how much I'm eating so I may gain a ton of weight but I get so hungry. Shoot im hungry right now
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
lucky! I got skinny again about a year and half after having my first son. I'm 2 months pp and I'm 162. lol I used to be 123. @kreeblim
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
They calculated it out each ounce of breastmilk burns 28 calories. I was 162 pregnant, pre pregnancy I was 142, 4 months pp I am 125.
26.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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