@lizbeth9000, I had to get a rogram shot I believe is what it is called because the baby could have a different blood type. My child's father has a different blood type than mine. So the doctor was saying that our child could have his blood type or a different one.
@chloe_faith2016 I went to hospital like 3 times for bleeding. one of them was really really heavy and they told me I was RH-negative as well. You really think we bleed because we have a negative blood type?
and @priscmv92 the doctors told me I had nothing to worry about that 25% of pregnancy go through bleeding and have nothing wrong. But go check it out , you never know
Yes when I was around 9-10 weeks I started bleeding. So I went to ER to get checked out because it was late at night and I found out I was RH- negative
I was gushing blood at 9 weeks. Got diagnosed with threatened miscarriage. I am now 32 weeks pregnant with healthy baby girl. I would get checked out to be safe. Could be nothing at all, some people just bleed all through out pregnancy. I would get checked and try to think positive.
I bled around 24 weeks just a little though but bright red, went to the hospital and they couldn't really say for sure what caused it but did say most likely he kicked my cervix and ruptured a blood vessel. Which I was told was completely normal and that it may happen again and it actually hasn't happened again at all thankfully.