I have a dentist appointment till April? And I was wondering if anyone's baby have gaps between their teeth. My son has a gap on his front teeths is that normal. Should I Worry and try to get an earlier appointment for his dentist checkup!
@elenasmommy, Aww Thank You :) Yes he's always smiling
@mommyx415 Aww That's So cute yeah my aunts and cousins where saying that he's teeth were gonna come out all crooked it.
I learned a lot with my first my mother inlaw would talk crap because my son would do sign language. He had a speech delay and learned sign language very early on because I was a daycare teacher and he came to work with me.
Yes it's normal. They still have other teeth to grow in and they will be pushed together. Also you should only worry if it's his adult teeth and all his teeth are in then he would need braces but not at a young age you shouldn't worry.
@mommyx415 Aww That's So cute yeah my aunts and cousins where saying that he's teeth were gonna come out all crooked it.