United States, San Antonio
- 27 Years Old - Mommy Of One - Cristian 8/13/14 Born At 39 Weeks - Married To My Sweetheart


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I have a dentist appointment till April? And I was wondering if anyone's baby have gaps between their teeth. My son has a gap on his front teeths is that normal. Should I Worry and try to get an earlier appointment for his dentist checkup!
mommyx415 He's adorable and his teeth are still growing. Don't listen to family they like to worry you.
mommyx415 I learned a lot with my first my mother inlaw would talk crap because my son would
blessedmommy210 @elenasmommy, Aww Thank You :) Yes he's always smiling @mommyx415 Aww That's So cute yeah my aunts
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anyone's hubby snores to the point where ya can't sleep. I'm like that right now I can't sleep cause he is snoring so loud and I have to be waking him up.
blessedmommy210 Aww dang lol yes my hubby is the loudest and the only one who snores lol
lil_bigmama my dog my husband & my 3 year old it sounds like a saw meal in there
blessedmommy210 haha Aww my son snores a lil but not loud it's cute though but my hubby dang
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Does Anyone Know At What Age Do I Start Potty Training?
laneythemamallama Everyone that I know of has done it at different ages, usually depending on if the baby
blessedmommy210 thanks hun, my baby is one and a half and some friends told me he was to
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