I've been thinking to myself lately "why doesn't my husband help me with baby more?" Then I see all the posts on facebook, preggie, and websites online. no one's husbands seem to be too helpful lol.... idk whether to feel discouraged, or just like the majority of people.
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@sweet.twisted.logic, he really wanted a baby too, we tried for almost 2 years... just an example, I'm breastfeeding, and she doesn't take bottles. every time he holds our daughter and she makes any sounds, he assumes she's just hungry and tries to give her back or rush what I'm doing eating/showering/cleaning. most times she's not hungry and just didn't want to sit, stand, or face that direction any more. when his friends are over, I can get them to hold her until I can finish whatever I need to get done. I think he's just lazier than I thought he'd be

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@sweet.twisted.logic, he really wanted a baby too, we tried for almost 2 years... just an example, I'm breastfeeding, and she doesn't take bottles. every time he holds our daughter and she makes any sounds, he assumes she's just hungry and tries to give her back or rush what I'm doing eating/showering/cleaning. most times she's not hungry and just didn't want to sit, stand, or face that direction any more. when his friends are over, I can get them to hold her until I can finish whatever I need to get done. I think he's just lazier than I thought he'd be

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I don't know about other people... But I'm lucky that my husband and I divvy up responsibilities pretty equally. He wanted to have children more than I did though.

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It's very discouraging...I love my man and he's a great dad, but he really doesn't seem to grasp how hard it is to have a lil life depending solely on you for everything, including food to keep them alive and growing....nothing about being a stay at home mom, exclusively breastfeeding is easy....only the love for my daughter and the choice to try my hardest comes easy!

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