i hate that if I tell my husband how I'm feeling he starts getting upset and says he's a failure because I'm unhappy with some of the things he does.
I also hate that I'm a second option to him. I have a set day on his nights off that I get him to myself. and its always the second day he has off.
I love him so much and all I want to do is spend time with him. but he doesn't want the same thing. he says that he wants to hang out with me all the time. well fucking prove it then!! Stop letting your fuckboy take over our time together !!
I also hate that I hate myself... I have seriously been beyond depressed. to the point where I just want to die. i dont want to feel the pain anymore that I feel everyday. I am so happy to be married to kason. he is my one and only. he isn't the cause of my depression even if he thinks he is. he isn't. I have had this long before I even knew him.