i hate that if I tell my husband how I'm feeling he starts getting upset and says he's a failure because I'm unhappy with some of the things he does.
I also hate that I'm a second option to him. I have a set day on his nights off that I get him to myself. and its always the second day he has off.
I love him so much and all I want to do is spend time with him. but he doesn't want the same thing. he says that he wants to hang out with me all the time. well fucking prove it then!! Stop letting your fuckboy take over our time together !!
I also hate that I hate myself... I have seriously been beyond depressed. to the point where I just want to die. i dont want to feel the pain anymore that I feel everyday. I am so happy to be married to kason. he is my one and only. he isn't the cause of my depression even if he thinks he is. he isn't. I have had this long before I even knew him.

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You should express your frustrations now rather than when the baby is here.. I say that because if he's doing that while you're taking care of a newborn, running on no sleep, beyond irritable, emotional, & trying to heal and handle all the new changes... You are going to BLOW UP! Communication is key to a happy healthy relationship. My fiance and I struggled with communication for awhile. Especially when I was prego and just felt like he didn't understand me or even cared to try. . Then the morning we were scheduled to be induced we sat in the room and spilled all our feelings/frustrations about everything out in the open & agreed to work on them for our little man! Next Thursday will mark a year from that agreement and we have strongly stuck to it! Relationships/marriage is hard work!! & only work if both are willing to put 100% into it! If he doesn't chose you and that baby over games, friend's, etc... than he has ALOT of growing up to do! & girl you really don't deserve that. Especially for everything you have done and are going to do for him and that baby! You are carrying his legacy the LEAST he could do for you is spend time with you!! I'm sorry for this long opinionated rant. . I honestly just think it's wrong that you even have this problem in the first place. You shouldn't have to ask him to spend time with you while you are pregnant.. He should want too girl! You deserve all of his attention at this time. Communicate with him! & if he has a problem with it that should show you enough!
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think being a mom we are good at multi tasking so we can do it all but man are not so good hopefully it gets better just keep at it sit him down and tell him exactly how u feel and what u think that need to be changed and then set a goal and make sure you both can commit to it that's what I would do @s-moore21
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think being a mom we are good at multi tasking so we can do it all but man are not so good hopefully it gets better just keep at it sit him down and tell him exactly how u feel and what u think that need to be changed and then set a goal to make sure
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
and makes me sad. @dezy4serralles
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
ya for me kason hates watching Netflix. he will but his main addiction is the games. and yes I want him to have fun. I'm not gonna stop him from doing what he loves to do. but when he chooses to play games with his friend All the time whenever he has a day off or even before he goes to work. it bugs me.
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel that way sometimes he is addicted to our xbox 360 call of duty mostly or Netflix the breaking bad show or sleeping so I have to constantly ask him to spend time with me and it kinda sucks cuz he should just know by now that that's all I want from him is to be with him and spend as much time as possible before the baby comes
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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