Sophia Woodbury
Sophia Woodbury
Hey Mommies! I need advice/experiences if possible please!
I had my daughter via csection 11.27.15, so about 2 months ago. After 5 weeks I had Intercourse with my fiance. We didn't use protection but he pulled out before he came. I got what I thought was an extremely light period on the 8th of Jan that lasted about 3 - 4 days, it was really light all the way through. The last couple I've been feeling really off. Sometimes I'm nauseous, sometimes I feel not dizzy but just out of body & Now today, about a week to 2 weeks later after the first time, I started light bleeding again .... is this normal?? Has it happened to anyone else? Should I be concerned?

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You're most fertile after giving birth and the pull out method is a fail method. If it helps to ease your nerves, just doing a pregnancy test. I'm 29 weeks with another little one after giving birth in April 2015. A girl I know wound up pregnant RIGHT after giving birth to twins and is due here in about 4 weeks or so... so yes, it's possible and you're clearly stating pregnancy symptoms. Good luck!
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would go get tested to see if your pregnant
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
You could very well be pregnant. Pregnancy can occur directly after giving birth and the weeks to follow because its the easiest time for you to get pregnant. Its the prime environment. Happened to me, and I wound up pregnant 6 weeks after the birth of my son.
24.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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