so annoyed today, took my two year old daughter to nursery as usual at 1pm picked her up at 5.30 to find that someone had taken her coat home by mistake but what's bugging me is that the coat left behind is pale pink and my daughters coats navy and hot pink and usually her gloves and hat are stuffed jn the arm of her coat but today they were in her bag and the nursery expected me to walk my daughter home with no coat and just a long sleeved t-shirt on I had to put her in my coat and carry her home baring in mind in nearly 34weeks pregnant they rang the parent who had taken it and it will be brought back monday its a good job she has a spare coat at home otherwise she'd have no coat all weekend

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@sophiegreen, that was exactly what I thought but like my partner said could of possibly been a grandparent who picked them up or I don't no I'm super annoyed I just hope its returned monday because if its not I will be expecting the money for a new one I'm also going to make out its been a big inconvenience and I've had to buy a new coat for weekend xx
23.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
But the coats where 2 completely different colours so how could they possible mix them up? X
23.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
no they offered me a bright yellow rain mac thing and my daughter had a complete melt down because it wasn't her peppa pig coat if it doesn't have anything peppa pig on she has a melt down and won't wear it, peppa pigs the bain of my life lol I was really annoyed CX,
23.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
What they didn't let you take the pale pink coat instead? Poor you x
23.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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