Sorry to keep posting about the same thing but this my first time going thru this: ladies who've had a miscarriage, what's the longest you bleed and cramped?
I bled for 21 days when I lost my baby in December.. I didn't cramp or anything, but I just had my first period since the MC and omg was it painful!! I know how painful it is to mc .I has been trying for 9 years to get pregnant when I finally found out in November that I had done it.. ohhh we were soooo happy!!! three weeks later.. it's terrible. just keep your chin up!!
Def not alone, I lost 2 this summer :( I bled for a week, then 2 weeks. I'm so sorry you're going through it, nobody knows how much it hurts until you've gone through it. I removed myself from all social media for a month, I couldn't handle talking to anyone. I hope you're coping ok and have support.😘😘
I bled for a little over a week. And had cramps for the first three to four days. It was a very hard time for me. If you need anyone to talk too I'm here girl! I'm blessed to be in my second trimester with my rainbow baby now. God always has a plan!! Chin up
Depending on how far you were you may not know when you pass the baby. When mine first started I didnt have any pain just like a period then the next morning I was in sooo much pain I woke up out of my sleep blood was flowing down my leg and I had the urge to push so I went to the toilet and it came out. I went to the Er because I was bleeding sooo much and they did an ultrasound and told me I passed the baby so thats how I knew for sure for sure
@djsmommy0516, @brinleysmommy @kimberlyyyy I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for. I mean I have blood clots every time I wipe nothing has stood out to me saying oh I know that's it
I knew when I passed the baby though because it was like sooooooo painful and I had the urge to push when I went to the toilet and it passed the pain went away sorry if tmi
Not long. I miscarried around December 14th 2014 bled for only a couple days, no major cramping. Was being monitored and my hormone levels increased as if I didn't lose it, and on Christmas 2014 I started cramping and bleeding, but the bleeding didn't last long.
@brinleysmommy, I'm going on a week and a half now. Well I guess the first few days was just brown blood and not very much but now it's dark red blood and blood clots every time I wipe