Waiting waiting waiting. I went to an ob doctor yesterday for a pregnancy blood test and I'm waiting for results. On another note, I started having some brown discharge/spotting today. Very very light. Anybody else have had this?
I had full blown bleeding at 13 weeks. lasted a short while. scared us to death tho, nothing was wrong, they just put me on pelvic rest, so bleeding is possible and so is spotting BUT if its ever to bad, defiantly go in.
I'm not sure how far along I am. When I started on the app, it asked for the first day of my last period and that was Nov 25th. So it automatically says I'm 8 weeks
are you really 8 weeks? because if so that's pretty far along to have implantation bleeding. but the fact that it's brownish probably means it was just in there but it being gone won't hurt