I hope no one is offended by the photo , I can't nurse because my daughter isn't strong enough yet. I'm pumping her milk or rather colostrum for her. I feel like this is the only way to be able to help her. I love her very much. I want to feel useful to my daughter so she can recover quickly. It hurts a lot but its worth it 😇 hopefully soon I can bf the boob instead. I never thought I would be pumping, I was always saying I was going to formula feed. this is my 4th day pumping.
I'm a preemie momma too! I pumped the 7 weeks my 29 weeker was in the nicu and I've been successful breastfeeding since leaving the nicu in November. Pumping sucks but it's so worth it!!! Let me know if you want to talk. =]
Just keep freezing its the best thing for her. My daughter was born at 23 and half weeks and it was 2 and a half months before should could even have milk and I just pumped all the time to save it up for her. So good luck to you and you little blessing
good job mama! when my son was in the cicu, he couldn't nurse or even be moved, so I had to pump...he now nurses. hes 7 months and has been ebf for 7 months! you can do it! takes a lot of effort and persistence, but it all pays off :)
You go girl! keep on pumping!! even when you start BF you'll still need to pump. Take what you pump and freeze it. It's the best back up for when they growth spurt or someone else needs to feed them. It's good in the freezer for 6-12 months and only good for 24hrs after it's thawed. Never refreeze!