Good morning! I want to introduce you all to my little princess Amelia Elizabeth 😇😄😍😛 she was born on January 16, 2016 at 31 weeks and 6 days. she weighed in at 2lbs 11oz and 15in long. her original due date was march 13 but she didn't want to wait . I had her as emergency c-section because she broke my water completely and stopped moving after the 3rd day they had me waiting. as of right now she's perfectly healthy and doing perfectly she's just small. mommy and daddy are so proud of her she's truly a fighter. she's breathing well and doing remarkably well for a preemie. 😇😄 I'm so in love with her. 😜😍😚😘😙👪👪💜💓💞
thank you ladies! @chela915 @deelovesdash @jenn77 @jennerfay . she's perfectly healthy even the nurses are surprised. she doesn't need oxygen and she's breathing and moving like any normal baby.