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this relates to how I feel about a post I saw on fb yesterday.
I saw where a mother had posted something about making mac & cheese and a hot dog for her LO and asked if she should puree it. Her LO was about 8 months old, I believe. instead of people commenting and telling her that she didn't really need to puree it and just to cut it up, if her child was to that point in his/her diet, they were telling her how disgusting hotdogs are and that she should find an alternative. While I agree that hotdogs are gross and I probably won't feed them to my son, let that woman be a mother. If she wants to feed her child a hotdog, let her! End the mommy wars and stop telling each other what and what not to do.
*end rant*

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you're welcome :) @haileylouisechilders
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I did all that too! but you've made me feel so much better about it! thank you. @isaiahjamesmommy
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I did too. I made it 58 excrutiating days. I started out having to supplement because my son stopped having wet diapers. I tried EVERYTHING. The tea, fenugreek, brewer's yeast, oatmeal, flaxseed meal, gatorade, I was always drinking water, power pumping... everything everybody suggested, I tried.
I totally get how painful it is and how you can feel like less of a woman because you can't produce enough food for your child, like you're "supposed to." The thing is, your baby still got to eat! Your baby is alive. It's okay! :) @haileylouisechilders
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I cried (and still do) because I was unable to breastfeed. I even tried pumping but I just couldnt. it still upsets me.
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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