home alone (except the dogs) for the first time since we found out I'm prego. I want to clean and make the house look nice for my hubby when he gets home, but I have NO ambition to do anything.
lol I usually don't do anything till the last couple hrs of his shift. then it's sparkling clean with the toddler running around it doesn't last long but at least when hubby walks through the door it looks good ;)
right I did our dishes last night and it took me almost 45 mins because I had to keep taking breaks.😥 my hubby has been great and has been helping me out a lot but I want to surprise him today because he is doing so much that normally i do.
literally me, I stay at home with his daughter during the day day care is too expensive and even vacuuming and doing dishes drain me. I'm almost 23 weeks and im exhausted all the time