Can someone give me some advice please?
Basically my little boy is 5 days old and has been on cow and gate infant formula since born but recently he has started bringing his feeds back up. He had a 3oz bottle I give him 1oz wind him then he wants more if I give him more it comes back up or sometimes he can manage to keep it down until i wind him. he is very unsettled, he can't settle him self to sleep he is very windy (farts) pooing quite a bit. He is also jaundice so we are trying to get that out of his system as u can imagine that's hards when he just brings it back up. I'm thinking of trying cow and gate comfort as I've read that is good for unsettled baby's? He is also small he was 7lb 1oz when born but is now 6lb 12oz. Midwifes have told me to just keep trying but I'm literally so shattered he is feeding every 1-2 hours because of this.
thank u