I'm gonna be honest, I wish I wasn't feeling this stressed during my pregnancy. My fiance and I have unresolved issues we're working on. And my whole body feels like stress is just running all along through it... I feel kind of depressed :/
respect. he has anger issues. and he knows this. He's told me he's aware he has anger problems. And with me I don't always handle situations the best. it's hard to describe in a nutshell. Basically we both have things to work on, on ourselves. Where we are as independent beings. And I feel like his anger is becoming to hard to handle. But I know him better than anyone else, so I know why he acts the way he does. Not giving him am excuse for his behavior. But I'm just saying it's hard to watch someone you care about go through things about the wrong way, cus you know what they are going through. He's had heart ache with his mother I'm the past. And he doesn't want to show it cus he wants to act like mr .tough guy. but I know it bothers him.