Calling all mommies out there! Can anyone give me any pointers on how to start spoon feeding my little ones? What helped you? When did you start feeding them solids? And what did you first feed them?
I started at 4 months with sweet potatoes and she loved them the next day she had then she got it down pretty quick. I also used the square baby spoons they have makes it so much easier to scoop the food off their face lol
Oh thanks! We tried tonight and it seemed like they just hated it so much that I just gave in and gave them bottles! They seemed to just spit it all out! Sometimes being such a new mom is frustrating because I'm not sure I'm doing it right!
I started around 5 months. and I started with rice cereal. you mix it with formula or breast milk. I had it kind of soupy at first. not too thick. it will look like they are spitting it out but they just have to learn how to use their tongue to keep it in. lol. then I started to mix veggies/fruit in with the cereal a little closer to 6 months. make it thicker the more they learn how to eat.