My boyfriend and I had axe for the first time last night,,, it was so painful!! It felt like I was getting ripped open! And I guess my scar hurts him. But seriously every time we try to fool around or get it in even if my son is passed out he immediately wakes up and starts crying. It sucks so bad I just wanna get intimate with my man without interruption.

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Haha well that's a good thing though!!! I'd love to do that honestly but we're poor asf lol....can't afford all that at once 😔
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hellosweetie, yeah I'm gunna give it a couple times but if it causes the same amount of pain I'll deff bring it up with my dr. And lol I just want all my babies at once so they can all be in diapers at once, goto school at once, and all that lol
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm so sorry sweetie....just take your time, the scar tissue can cause pain, but it should get better with time...and if not please mention this to your doctor, they can help!!! And omg you're CRAZY trying for another already!!! I definitely want more but omg...I feel like I haven't recovered from the last and she's almost 5 months!!!
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Goodness! I hope he stops soon lol. I'm already trying for #2! But yes we've been doing foreplay since like 2 weeks pp and tried sex for the first time at 6weeks pp... Couldn't even get the tip lol I was crying cause it hurt so bad. So we went and got lube and it sorta helps but it still is very painful even with lube and going slow. @hellosweetie
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I read somewhere that's baby's instinct to try and prevent you guys making a sibling lol...dunno if that's true but sure seems like it! Give it time btw, it will feel better, and just tell hubby to go slow and lots of foreplay!!!
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Lol, there's like an "old wives tale" that babies cry when they sense their parents having sex because they don't want them to make another baby, not sure how true that is, but it always made me laugh when people told me it, my baby did it for a while too. just what happens!
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sex** lol not axe
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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