so... was thinking about having a natural, no epidural delivery with my little one. I had an all natural birth with my son almost 7 years ago, I had the epidural with my daughter a little over 2 years ago...they both have pros and cons, what do you guys think??

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Lol I can understand that, with my son labor was only 6 hours, my daughter 9 lol my waters broke both times on their own, but I got the epidural more because she was face up so I back labor and she was so low, my like crotch bone was killing me the last month of pregnancy I wanted no more pain... lol but yea I had a mirror because I feared never being able to have kids again, and missing my child coming into this world...and omg pulling them out is the most amazing thing ever, knowing you are the first person they see, and your the first to feel their weight.. man... I can't wait for this baby haha delivery is my favorite haha and with breastfeeding straight to the chest with delayed cord clamping/cutting is said to be beneficial to baby as well and letting them nurse right away, helps their latch lol Idk sorry I'm rambling haha!! all I do while pregnant is think and re think and read haha!
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ohsoawwsum, omg that's crazy! Good for you!! I deff couldn't look never mind pulling him out!! I didn't want the epidural with my first but ended up getting it due to a very very crazy induction that took days. I'm hoping labor this time around is a lot better. I'm not making a choice to get it or not. I'll decide that when I'm in labor 😂
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@deasiaanddjmommy, aww :( my heart rate dropped when they did the epidural, then added the pitocin, I kept passing out my HR would go from like 80-90 to was scary I kept passing out, so they kept putting something in my iv to wake me up so I'm kind of nervous about the epidural again because of that lol it stopped my labor forcing them to pit me lol
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@stephhhx3, yea... lol but I think just incase this is my last baby, I am going to try and go all natural like my first... OH! AND I'll be pulling him out lol I sat up and pulled out both my son, and my daughter, catching both as they passed their shoulders... so I am hoping my Dr this time will allow the same thing, because I love that, and I had the mirror with both as well haha I LOVE delivery just not a fan of pregnancy lol. oh and I love how when you don't have the epidural you can walk around and not stuck in bed with a cath lol
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ohsoawwsum no they didn't cause her heartrate kept dropping
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@slg04, my daughter was 7lbs 4oz... lol 19.5 inches so it's hilarious I had the epidural with her... lol
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ohsoawwsum, oh that's crazy! I would sign up just so you have that option even though you might not need it.
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@deasiaanddjmommy, you mean they didn't give you a choice???
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@stephhhx3, problem here is you have to sign up for it, incase you think you need it, so I think I'll sign up for it...just in case, then if I don't need it great. but if I do its available lol
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@slg04, haha yea, funny thing is, my son was 10lbs 21 inches at birth, I had the episiotomy so I wouldn't rip, and it was easy peasy I thought...but with my daughter I got it (more so I could sleep, I had a rough pregnancy with her) and I HATED how long it took to wear off, the nurse had to help me shower and I hate feeling helpless... lol where after my son was born I got up, showered, peed, everything alone lol I like that better
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ohsoawwsum I had the epidural with my daughter even though I didn't want to but this time I'm doing it all natural
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think you should go with the flow. Most people don't plan on getting an epidural. It's just something you decide when your in labor depending on how you take the pain. Take it as it comes. (:
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
If you did it once, you should go for it again! -No pain meds! 😉
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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