Well it's been a rough but amazing week in my life. I was induced on Monday, delivered at 1:17 am on Tuesday, went home on wednesday. They didn't do a very good job with my epidural and I ended up with a spinal headache that was making it almost impossible to take care of my new baby. On top of that my baby's jaundice got worse and they had to admit him overnight to be under the lights for 12 hours, and I was also admitted to the hospital for a spinal patch to get rid of the headache. They separated me from my newborn and he was already having trouble latching to my breast so while he was being breast fed now he won't latch onto my breasts at all. It's the most depressing feeling, I hate that I have to pump my milk and bottle feed... He's only 5 days old so I'm hoping I can reverse it so he will drink from my breasts. I hope no one else has to go through this after they deliver.... But I'm trying to stay positive!