my daughter is 3 months (4 months on the 22nd) and she has been eating rice cereal for about a month now I mix it with her formula in a 4oz bottle and then put about 1 to 2 table spoons of rice cereal in it too and mix that together.
it's all good hun! I would mix it with something either just formula or bananas n formula. they would get just 1 tablespoon of mixed food (so whatever I'd mix I'd measure out 1 tablespoon and that's what they'd have) I started off small cuz their bellies are the size of their fists. I would then wait 5 to 10 mins to let it settle and then give them a bottle. Again just a little bottle not their normal one cuz I didn't want to stretch their belly out, but after like 2oz and cereal if they wanted more I'd give them more but slowly so they didn't eat to much quickly n get sick. Hope that makes sense lol
@twinmamma2015 @mdg8829 okay she's 4.5 months. did you guys mix any baby food in it? how often did you give it to them and when did you nurse or bottle feed them? sorry I'm a first time mom and still figuring this out lol
@twinmamma2015 @mdg8829 okay she's 4.5 months. did you guys mix any baby food in it? how often did you give it to them and when did you nurse or bottle feed them? sorry I'm a first time mom and still figuring this out lol