I don't usually awake so early. I woke up at 7:04am for a pee break and then I saw reddish discharge on my pad. I started wearing pads since Friday midnight when I noticed that I have this clear mucussy discharge. And today when I wake up I started to feel tightening more often it goes and it comes back (but the pain is still toleratable). I still haven't called the hospital yet coz I was still sleepy (but I don't think if I can still sleep) my husband tells me to relax lol and he say i should still try to sleep, but now his up and saying he will take care of everything (stuff we haven't prepared yet). Im sorry for too much details tho. I'm feeling mix emotions excited, happy, pain, scared but don't wanna feel scared for today or for what's gonna happened today... I'm excited to meet my baby in real... OMG! I think I'm gonna give birth today! If I'm really gonna give birth today I'm just hoping for a safe and fast delivery... Wish me luck ladies! 😂😂😂