United Kingdom, Blackwood
This will be our second baby 💗 I've had 2 missed miscarriages in the past! Hope everything goes smoothly with this pregnancy 💖


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13 days old and its so hard to get his wind up all we seem to be doing all day is trying to get his wind up 😞 trying infacol any tips anyone xx
emmajo Have you tried laying him flat on his tummy across your lap and patting his back? Used
mummyx316 gripe water perhaps? a friend of mine swears by it x
welshy Thank you he can't have gripe water yet, I will try the laying on my lap 😊xx
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We have narrowed the names down 2....Xavier or Nixson xx
heavenscent83 both names are interesting, I like nixson
deon88 If mine was a boy which she's now a girl I picked xavier but now im having
welshy If we go with Nixson it's going to be Nixson Cade Boyle xx
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Hi I had my baby boy on the 24th, last couple hours I was getting a strapping pain in my stomach, then I got up I felt something come out sorry tmi went to the toilet there was a clot size of a golf ball (flat obviously) is this normal xx
cmcdon203 I would phone maternity assesment asap when I heamorraged they compared my clots to golf balls xx
welshy Thank you for replying midwife is coming in the morning, what will happen if a bit of
emmajo I would definitely get that checked because if a piece of placenta is left in there it
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I got induced on my first has anyone been induced on their second? I got a feeling this is going to happen again, cross fingers I go on my own tho xx
tiasohi1 I did first and second . I planned a water birth for both and didn't happen lol
welshy When u got induced second time was it longer than your first?xx
tiasohi1 Nah Hun was quicker - first time start to finish 4 hours second time start to finish
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