I'm a little embarrassed in asking, but any suggestions on how to change a little boys diaper? I feel like I don't know how to change my son he almost always pees or poops as I'm changing him. He previously got a rash so I'm always in the look out for wet diapers, but never seem to get it right. I've dirty so many cloths and blankets and used so many diapers as well. I go through a big box of diapers in a week. 😞. I change him before feeding and after.

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no problem. ^-^
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@alimarilyn7820, thank you. If it's that fast I will definitely buy it.
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
you can also use aquaphor for the rash. clears it right up within like 6 hrs. or so the results were for me. but in time you'll learn how your son is when it comes to changing time. (:
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would suggest switching to cloth if you're hating these problems :-)
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Mommy's I just did it 🙌. I waited about 10 mins till he was done eating. slide a new diaper underneath then put a wipe on top of his wee and made sure he was dry then applied rash cream and strap his diaper on. it was a success hope it continues lol. I appreciate all the advice
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
all a learning experience. my son peed on me several times before getting it right. before you change him, slide the new diaper under him then unstrap the diaper he has on. helps for a quicker change. also, I always waited about 15 mins after feeding him before changing him again. every baby is different but that seemed to help from being peed on. also, once the cold air hits there little pee pee it makes them go again. so don't feel guilty. it takes time but you'll get used to it. your doing a great job!
& today I learned how well corn starch works for diaper rash, If he ever gets it again. just put it on his bottom like baby powder after his diaper change! it's a miracle worker :)
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@christylee94, @elenasmommy @emmajeremy2627 @love_bug15 @myliltadpole1116 thank you ladies I will definitely take all your advice and put it to work asap, I do want his rash to go away and I want changing time to be a way to engage with my son, not be scared or discourage to change him
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I always slide the new diaper under my sons bottom before even unfastening his dirty diaper, we had him bomb the bedroom and our comforter the other day (I was hit) lol. And that would have helped me then at least by slightly shielding . Desitin is always best pat dry and rub gently until it looks like it's well integrated with the skin. The look is different than if u just slide it on with a finger and leave it at that. Keep his member pointed down and covered . I like to have everything ready to go before even starting to change him. I'll even pull out three wipes as a base start in case he decides to surprise me. If he has a really bad rash try an oatmeal bath. Steel cut , traditional oats with warm water and let it mix . Just rinse him off before drying:) you'll get the hang of things mommy it just takes time!❤️
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't have a son but my mom would always put a warm wash cloth on my brothers wee whenever changing a diaper so they didn't pee everywhere
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
desitin it will clear up the rash SUPER quickly and make sure to let it dry completely before u apply the desitin and put a new diaper on esp after bath will heal faster if it get let's to air out sometimes.
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@elenasmommy,thank you I will look for that cream I don't want him to get another rash again.
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@emmajeremy2627, thank you that's a good idea with the wipe and I will make sure his wee is pointing down next time. thank you so much for your advice 😊
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
It won't treat a rash that he already has but once you clear that up it prevents another one from coming
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Well I have a daughter so I can't help with the changing but A&D has a rash cream that prevents diaper rashes because it makes a barrier between the skin and the wet diaper and it works really good for me. You put it on Everytime you change them and it keeps the rash from starting.
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
make sure when putting a fresh diaper on you point his wee wee down as if it is up he will pee out the top of diaper. boys once they hit wind start peeing lol so better off unstrapping diaper and putting a wipe or leave his diaper covering a little and change him :) as far as poo make sure he's done before you change him. after they go I normally wait about 2-3 mins to make sure there done.
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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