Alright mommies. I have a 5 day old daughter who won't sleep in a bassinet. she loves laying on me.
so we got her a bed thing I place in my bed so she can sleep in bed with me. but every time she passes out I'll lay her down and she freaks until she is on me. I love laying with her but I know it's bad so I don't want to risk it. but I don't know what else to do she loves laying on my chest or next to me but it's not good for her back. ughh. help!!

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All of theses rules now a days drive me nuts. Babies survived for centuries with moms doing whatever they pleased with them! Do what makes you and your angel happy! My daughter sleeps on her belly in her pack and play and has since day one. Sometimes she has a needy day and just wants to cuddle with us so we will let her sleep in bed with us for part of the night.
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe try swaddling her in the swaddle blanket and then putting her in a sleep sack . She must love the warmth of your body and your rhythmic heart beat . 💗💗When you respond you have to tag us in it or we can't see the response ... I was scrolling down and saw you responded :) I know it's complicated but that's the only way we get notifications
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
also I read and heard from my doctor that sids is mostly caused by babies sleeping in a different bed . and I was scared of rolling over on my babies too. But I've figured out a way for that not to happen. but putting my arm out either under my babies head or above it. your instincts usually wake you up of there is a problem.
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
my son sleeps with me and my husband every night. my first son slept in bed with me every night also. the only time I heard its bad is if someone is high/drunk with their baby in the bed. but its all up to the person on what makes them more comfortable. :) my mom has had all her babies sleep with her too until they were about 3 or 4. she has 6 kids.
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes I swaddled only in a diaper, swaddled in pjs. I had a long dress thing I tried for pjs. I also used footies. but all she wants is to be on me. and it's super freaking sweet. I love it. but I'm scared to roll over at night and she falls off or laying next to me she will bend her back or worst thing ever, sids. ugh I love her so much. I just want her okay.
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Have you tried swaddling her ? She loves being near you that's so sweet 💙💙💙💙
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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